Reversing Diabetes with Raw Food

I went raw overnight. Well, not me exactly. My husband did. But I learned how to prepare raw food overnight. And not just any raw food... Raw food without sugar. That means no fruit, no grains, no sweeteners except stevia, which I hear is terrible, and no beans except sprouted mung beans and lentils. You see my husband has diabetes. And he's eating raw to get healthy.

November 22, 2009

Who Doesn't Love a Sprouted Lentil Burger?

I asked my husband what he wanted for dinner and he suggested the Sprouted Lentil Burgers I cooked in the oven last week. The burgers followed his diet - they're a combination of sprouted lentils, sunflower seeds, some veggies, parsley, spices and lemon juice - even though they were cooked. The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center actually recommends 20 percent cooked food for its clients with diabetes so we were good.

Tonight, though, I made the burgers in the dehydrator, just to try it out. They certainly weren't as crispy as the ones from the oven, but they were pretty good. Even the kids ate them. Apparently, if you put them on toast with ketchup they kind of taste like real burgers. I ate mine with guacamole as the recipe suggested. My husband ate his straight up, and he doesn't even like lentils, or so he used to say.