In the energy world, healing happens at different rates. Some people change quickly. For example, after just a few Polarity Therapy sessions, one client started sleeping through the night after years of insomnia. Another felt so good she no longer needed her antidepressant.
For others, change takes longer. My husband fit in this latter category. After years of Polarity Therapy, the changes were minimal. He'd come in, lie down and go to sleep. No gurgles, no sighs, no swallowing - all telltale signs that the body is calming down, allowing healing to take place. He would twitch a little here and there, but it wasn't enough. A personal trainer once described him as "strong like an ox." And that's what he felt like - an ox - solid and unmoving. This may be good in the farming or weightlifting worlds, but it's not good in my world. Physically and energetically, he was stuck. When things are stuck and not moving, they're stagnant. Think of a puddle just sitting there on a hot day. No wind. No movement. It breeds all kinds of yucky stuff.
But, now, the puddle is splashing! My husband came in for a polarity session the other day and I couldn't believe the change. Everything was moving and flowing and gurgling and twitching. He was still strong, but he wasn't stuck. He felt like a completely different person! I couldn't believe it. I still can't. All from raw food? It's truly unbelievable.