Reversing Diabetes with Raw Food

I went raw overnight. Well, not me exactly. My husband did. But I learned how to prepare raw food overnight. And not just any raw food... Raw food without sugar. That means no fruit, no grains, no sweeteners except stevia, which I hear is terrible, and no beans except sprouted mung beans and lentils. You see my husband has diabetes. And he's eating raw to get healthy.

October 13, 2009

Not Just Any Raw Will Do

If you want to go raw, there are hundreds of fabulous cookbooks filled with delicious recipes. And the internet, of course, is overflowing with recipes and websites and videos devoted to the preparation of food in the raw. But if you want to go raw the diabetes way - on a low-glycemic therapeutic diet - your options are extremely limited. There is, as far as I know, just one cookbook - "Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine" by Gabriel Cousens, MD, founder of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center.

You see, according to Cousens' program, my husband can eat green vegetables; sea vegetables; non-sweet fruits: tomato, cucumber, avocado, red bell pepper, lemon and lime; most oils, seeds and nuts; a few cultured foods; apple cider vinegar; sprouted lentils and mung beans; all herbs and spices; and caffeine-free herbal tea (not that he would drink tea, caffeine or no).

He cannot eat meat, dairy, eggs, grains, soy, corn, mushrooms, sugar, alcohol, coffee, caffeine, most fruits or sweet vegetables such as carrots, beets, hard squash, yams, potatoes, parsnips, and so on.

Over time (read: months and years) certain foods, including grains, are added back in. But I've been too busy preparing enough raw food each day to read that far ahead in Cousens' book "There is a Cure for Diabetes" which explains the program in detail.