Reversing Diabetes with Raw Food

I went raw overnight. Well, not me exactly. My husband did. But I learned how to prepare raw food overnight. And not just any raw food... Raw food without sugar. That means no fruit, no grains, no sweeteners except stevia, which I hear is terrible, and no beans except sprouted mung beans and lentils. You see my husband has diabetes. And he's eating raw to get healthy.

November 10, 2009

Division of Labor

As a polarity therapist, my job is to help people heal. So, I'm happy to make this food for my husband. It's a good investment in our future. But all the work - countless trips to grocery stores, hours reading recipes and planning meals, and many more hours washing, soaking, chopping, blending and mixing, has been wearing a little thin. By the time the food is done, I'm done. But the kitchen is still a mess.

Today, a good friend of ours asked me what I needed to feel supported in this raw venture. The answer was simple: I need my husband to clean up the kitchen. Sure, I'll do it when I can. Yes, the kids will help when they're home. But if it's a mess, it's his responsibility. And, no, it can't wait 'til morning. Problem solved.