Reversing Diabetes with Raw Food

I went raw overnight. Well, not me exactly. My husband did. But I learned how to prepare raw food overnight. And not just any raw food... Raw food without sugar. That means no fruit, no grains, no sweeteners except stevia, which I hear is terrible, and no beans except sprouted mung beans and lentils. You see my husband has diabetes. And he's eating raw to get healthy.

November 25, 2009

Raw Food IS Real Food

Two of my husband's favorite raw recipes are chili and lasagna. They taste just as good as the originals. The lasagna takes a long time to make as lasagna does, but the chili, from "Rainbow Green LIve-Food Cuisine," is really easy:

Blend tomatoes, avocados and sun-dried tomatoes with cumin, ginger, chili powder and cayenne. Marinate chopped celery, red pepper and leeks in olive oil and salt and dehydrate for one hour. Mix all ingredients together and serve.

We're taking some with us on our Thanksgiving trip so he can get right back on track the day after Thanksgiving (and for lunch on the road Thanksgiving day).